Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cearsar III cheats

Ok I know we have all been attacked by ceasar, but what you don't know is he is very easy to beat. Ok yea if you beat him he will keep coming back( stronger every time after 4 times he wil automaticaly win if not made happy)so if you don't like war let him win at first. But he is really weak all you need to beat him are 96 soldiers( all 6 legions filled)and alot of towers. Ok first time only use soldiers( towers if in area) then every time he comes he will be in the same spot. Your soldiers should win that round. Then start making towers, prefectures, and refill the legions that are now shortin the area that he comes in. By the third round his army will be huge(you should still win)make sure you also make towers in the middle of the city. eventually he, and you will loose most if not all of your soldiers. If you loose all and he looses two thirds he will flee from your city. Now you think prefectures are worthless the suck, well your right but five should eqaul one or two legonaries and they will die but severley hurt his soldiers end of third round you win. Then he gets mad he will send a message saying OH YOU BEAT ME ALL THE PEOPLE THINK YOUR THE CAPITOL I WILL GET YOU IF I HAVE TO SEND ALL OF THE ROMAN ARMY. After the third round you have to make him happy or he will just send a boat and it will say your fired and that is game over.


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